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Everything you need to know about outsource staffing

  • book T-ROC Staff
  • calendar May 15, 2020
  • clock 6 mins read



Outsource Staffing: How To Get Greater ROI By Getting The Best People

Brands and Retailers Need More Than Workers, You Need Trained Sales Experts

Customers who visit your stores don’t care if the people helping them are full time or part time. They don’t care how much you pay them or what made you decide to give them a job. All customers care about is how well they’re being served, how knowledgeable your staff is, and whether or not they make the shopping journey more enjoyable.

That’s why the most important part of any staffing program is the quality of the people you get. If you look at it as simply filling positions or staffing shifts, you’re selling yourself and your customers short. You must demand people who will make a difference in your stores, who’ll engage your customers in meaningful ways, and who will drive sales – not just ring up orders.

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A Few Tips To Finding The Right Outsource Staffing Company For Your Retail Operations

There are plenty of staffing companies out there, however, they’re not all created equal, and they certainly don’t all understand the retail game. What follows are a few questions to ask yourself when vetting potential new staffing partners:

First and foremost, are they really retail experts? Do they get my business?

You deserve a staffing agency that is focused entirely on serving brands and retailers. Industry pioneers, such as The Revenue Optimization Companies (T-ROC), were founded and are driven by retail experts who have worked the sales floor, engaged with customers, and get what it takes to be an effective customer service agent. If they don’t possess a deep understanding of your business, there’s no way a staffing partner will be able to bring you the right people.

Do their company values align with your company values?

Staffing isn’t just about filling openings. It’s about finding people who can legitimately bring positive energy, add sales power, and live up to your company’s core values. Does your staffing partner get you? Do they get the culture you’ve created? Because if they don’t, you can’t expect them to find people who do. 

How vetted is the talent pool and how well trained are the people you get?

There’s a big difference between placing people and staffing people. You deserve a partner that focuses on the latter, bringing you fully vetted and highly trained customer service experts. You need pros who perform as true Brand Ambassadors – championing your products, building your brand, and, ultimately, boosting your bottom line.

What does the company’s staffing coverage model look like?

Do you have one store or 1,000? Do you need staffing assistance regionally, nationally, or even internationally? Does your prospective staffing provider offer solutions that align completely with your staffing needs – full-time, part-time, seasonal, on a project basis, for a special event, pop-up kiosks? Whatever your needs are, it’s important to know that your partner can live up to the challenge and get the right people, in the right locations, at the right time. If they can’t match your requirements, they’re not the right staffing company.

What type of onboarding assistance can you expect?

Quality staffing goes beyond finding the right people. It’s also how your partner is able to get them to you. Do they handle all the vetting and interviewing? Do they offer sales training programs built around your company’s needs and standards? Do they offer management support to ensure consistency and resolve issues with expediency? A good staffing partner is one who’s there with you every step of the way.

Do they use technology to enable staffing and measure performance?

The most effective retail staffing companies, such as The Revenue Optimization Companies (T-ROC), leverage both proprietary and off-the-shelf technologies to prepare and direct store visits and ensure operational effectiveness. Additionally, T-ROC staffing clients enjoy technology solutions that provide real-time visibility of the sales floor – staff activity, in-store conditions, task management, standards compliance, and more. Everything is available on dynamic mobile dashboards and distilled into concise reports that paint a clear picture of performance.

This just might be the most important question of all

Will I get people with an entrepreneurial spirit?

Retail is a bottom line business. But spreadsheets and sales figures aren’t the only measures of success. There are certain intangibles that can make all the difference in the world, and these includes the spirit and passion of the people your staffing company brings you.

Brett Beveridge, Founder and CEO of The Revenue Optimization Companies, has created an inspired corporate culture that makes T-ROC staffing solutions entirely unique.

“I’ve been a serial entrepreneur my entire life. In fact, the roots of T-ROC date back to two of us operating out of a van,” says Beveridge, “We got where we are today by living and breathing an entrepreneurial spirit and that’s how we still grow. Every member of our staffing team, every Brand Ambassador we bring our clients, is driven by this entrepreneurial spirit.”

The success of T-ROC’s staffing spirit is proven in the Fortune 500 brands and retailers that rely on the company’s solutions. Category leaders like Walmart, Samsung, T-Mobile, Apple and AT&T are all counted among the list of T-ROC clients.

“When it comes to staffing, we make sure our people get the right training and have a clear understanding of the customer’s needs. But the big difference is the way we empower them to take ownership of their success. T-ROCers come to work motivated to make a difference because they operate the business as if it was their own, knowing that when they succeed, they’ll be rewarded with even bigger and better opportunities. This is a huge advantage of T-ROC staffing. We source great people. We show them how to succeed. And then we challenge them to go out there and get it,” added Beveridge. 

If you found this piece helpful in examining your own staffing needs, you’ll find more information about staffing and other retail management services at Also check out our retail merchandising consultants  and retail visual merchandising page to learn more.

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