Recruiting with Global Coverage
We source from our own pool of professionals stationed throughout the United States, as well as North, Central and South America. Anywhere you need support, we’re ready – local, regional, national or international. We manage the process end-to-end using the latest HR software and platforms.
Comprehensive Vetting Process
Our HR team makes sure every ambassador we bring you has been fully vetted to your standards before you ever meet them, including drug testing, background checks, reference checks, and verified work histories.
Intensive Training
We’ve developed a proprietary Learning Management System (LMS) that includes classroom training, hands-on teaching, and tech-enabled learning. The curriculum is built around the specific needs of your brand, your standards and your expectations.
Program Ownership
We prepare your ambassadors and empower them to own their programs. They’re rewarded when they deliver results, which makes these entrepreneurs eager to get after it – because they succeed when you succeed.