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7 Customer Service Insights To Know For 2023 And Beyond

  • book T-ROC Staff
  • calendar Jan 24, 2023
  • clock 4 mins read

Customer service is everything in the business of sales. After all, unless you make meaningful connections with customers, there is little chance you’re going to see any level of customer satisfaction let alone move the needle in terms of sales and revenue. Here’s the thing about the service game – it’s always changing and without solid customer service insights you’re going to have a difficult time keeping pace. So, in this post we’ll look at 10 customer service insights and emerging trends you need to understand to succeed in today’s marketplace and going forward.

7 Customer Service Insights You Need To Know

1. Make Customer Interactions Personal

It’s easy in today’s technology driven age to fall into the trap that sales is solely about speedy and seamless transactions. This simply isn’t true. Yes, customers today are more demanding and certainly expect a convenient buying journey, but one thing they also demand from your customer service experts is personalized attention. If you’re not addressing each customer’s individual needs and wants and providing the answers and services they need at any given moment, you’re missing the boat.

2. Leverage Customer Data

Some of the most effective customer service insights are drilled down from solid customer data solutions and customer service analytics. After all, the more you know about your customers, their preferences and buying habits, the more you and your customer service managers can do to make their experiences great.

3. Be Everywhere Customers Need You

The word “omnichannel” is bantered about a lot these days and for good reason. Part of delivering a great customer experience is being available whenever and wherever shoppers need you. The key is consistency. You must find ways to provide the same level of service and options whether it’s online, in store or at an event. Learn how to link your operations across channels.

4. Capitalize On New Customer Engagement Technologies

One of the most important customer service insights we can bring you is to leverage new ways to engage shoppers. Advanced technologies that incorporate live video chat, virtual reality, augmented reality, and other state-of-the-art features are changing the game in customer service operations by allowing businesses to deliver personalized customer service experiences 24.7.365 across every sales channel.

5. Don’t Be Afraid To Go Old School

Technology is a fantastic sales and service engine. It’s a great way to extend your reach and capture vital customer data. However, sometimes the best business intelligence comes from boots on the ground, especially when it comes to customer service insights. Tried and true intelligence gathering done using trained mystery shoppers and strategic surveys can provide critical details into your customer service operations that you might never uncover relying solely on digital data capture solutions.

6. Deliver On Your Promises

Be reliable. Do what you say you’re going to do for your customers and deliver exactly what you promise them you’ll deliver. Today’s customer is both loyal and fickle. If you fail to live up to expectations, you’ll likely never get a second chance to impress. However, if you consistently deliver on your promises and make the shopping experience both a memorable and enjoyable one, you’ll win lasting trust and repeat business.

7. Remember It’s About Relationships, Not Transactions

We get it. Sales is a bottom-line business. Even so, real success means setting out to do more than boost the volume and value of transactions. It means building real relationships with customers so that you’re ready to respond to their needs as they change. In your business, is agent performance or agent productivity tied to genuine customer satisfaction or simply to sales figures? If you’re only looking at numbers, you’re missing the long-term play.


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