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Reset And A Store Remodel: What’s The Difference

  • book T-ROC Staff
  • calendar Jan 25, 2023
  • clock 5 mins read

Store Reset or Store Remodel:

What’s The Difference?

If you’re in the retail industry or operate grocery stores, you’ve probably heard how store resets are used to refresh retail environments in the hopes of wowing customers and maximizing sales. However, many people – even those in retail – still confuse store resets with a store remodel. These are two very different things and in this latest post, we’ll dig into the differences.

What Is A Remodel?

A store remodel is essentially a comprehensive overhaul of a retail space, whether a store or other environment. Think of it as a complete transformation of a store which can involve knocking down walls, building all-new display areas from the ground up, changing out fixtures and facades, switching up furnishings, creating new departments or manufacturer areas, and a whole lot more. After remodel, you pretty much wind up with an entirely new store.

As you might imagine, inviting customers to shop a completely new store can be impressive. But it’s also a very costly process in both time and capital.

The million-dollar question store management must ask is, “Do we see enough ROI in remodeling a store or is the cost-benefit just not there?

After all, it’s always nice to impress your customers, but if the store isn’t generating added conversions and revenue, then you’ve wasted your time and money in creating a new store.

What Is A Reset?

There are two good reasons both retail and grocery stores often prefer to invest in a reset over a remodel – time and money.

In a very tangible way, a reset also creates a store that feels exciting and new. The big difference comes in the form of time and cost savings. Unlike a complete remodel, store or department resets are the re-imagining of an environment using displays, shelves, merchandise, and materials that already exist. While a reset can include the creation of new hot spots and store highlights, it does not involve any major architectural changes or additions to the physical store or retail space. Essentially, store and department resets repurpose the inventory stock and materials already in place to create a store that looks and feels entirely new.

So how fast and easy can a reset be done?

Well, in the right hands a reset can transform a retail store in less than 24 hours. Yes, you read that correctly, less than 24 hours. So, how is this possible?

The Overnight Reset

The Revenue Optimization Companies (T-ROC) is a retail management team that offers what they’ve coined Overnight Resets. T-ROC employs a dedicated team of highly trained retail reset experts who can come into a store after it closes for the day and completely reimagine it. They’ll follow a meticulously detailed plan to change things up by:

  • Creating new displays
  • Moving merchandise
  • Switching up shelves
  • Building new action alleys
  • And a whole lot more.

Best of all, they will have the job done by the next morning.

So, when a retail store opens the day after a reset, customers walk into an entirely re-configured store, one that has been optimized through strategic planning to improve flow and create an even better customer journey.

“A good reset can be as effective as a complete remodel,” says Chris Green, Chief Revenue Officer at T-ROC. “Customers really feel like they’re walking into a different store, and it happens overnight rather than over months and months at a fraction of the cost. What our reset teams deliver for some of the world’s top brands and retailers is just amazing.”

Less Downtime Means More Shopping Time

One reason a reset can be more advantageous than a remodel is the fact that the store never goes dark. There is zero disruption to business. The store manager and team go back to work the very next morning serving customers and making sales in a newly redesigned environment configured to optimize performance. Store resets allow brands and retailers to highlight exciting new merchandise, dedicate prominent store real estate to top-selling products, try new ways to move struggling items, and satisfy customers by making the shopping experience feel fresh and new again.

If you’re interested in learning more about store and department resets, including all the ways they can improve store performance and retail revenue, learn more at or contact the experts at The Revenue Optimization Companies (T-ROC).

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